



1. Physiologic leucorrhoea

It is not a major issue but is to be resolved as soon as possible. It can be a natural defence mechanism that the vagina uses to maintain its chemical balance, as well as to preserve the flexibility of the vaginal tissue. The term "physiologic leucorrhoea" is used to refer to leucorrhoea due to oestrogen stimulation.

Leucorrhoea may occur normally during pregnancy. This is caused by increased blood flow to the vagina due to increased oestrogen. Female infants may have leucorrhoea for a short time after birth due to their in-uterine exposure to oestrogen.

2. Inflammatory leucorrhoea

It may also result from inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucosa. In cases where it is yellowish or gives off an odour, a doctor should be consulted since it could be a sign of several disease processes, including an organic bacterial infection (aerobic vaginitis) or STD.

After delivery, leucorrhoea accompanied by backache and foul-smelling lochia (post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue) may suggest the failure of involution (the uterus returning to pre-pregnancy size) due to infection. A number of investigation such as wet smear, Gram stain, culture, pap smear and biopsy are suggested to diagnose the condition.

3. Parasitic leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is also caused by trichomonads, a group of parasitic protozoan, specifically Trichomonas vaginalis. Common symptoms of this disease are burning sensation, itching and discharge of frothy substance, thick, white or yellow mucous.


The most common conditions that might result into leucorrhoea include the following:

  • Pregnancy, premenstrual or menstrual periods and congestion of the uterus.
  • Infection of female genital organs.
  • Irritation due to mechanical factors such as use of chemical contraceptives, intrauterine devices, etc.
  • Emotional causes such as stress, anxiety, work pressure and sexual anxiety.
  • Hormonal irregularities.
  • Errors in diet, excessive use of stimulants, e.g., tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking.
  • Medical conditions such as anaemia, tuberculosis etc.

Sign and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms point to the specific disease diagnosis of the underlying causative factors. Thus, if a woman experiences any of the following signs and symptoms, they may need further medical evaluation-

  • Intense itching of the vulva
  • Soreness of the vulva
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Fish-like smelly discharge
  • Yellowish or thick curd-like discharge
  • Vaginal bleeding in between two menstrual cycles
  • Severe pain or menstrual-like cramps in the lower part of the abdomen
  • Pain during or after sex
  • Bleeding during or after sex
  • Pain while passing urine
  • Vaginitis
  • Skin lesions around the vagina
  • Vulvae edema (swelling of the vagina)
  • Lower back pain.


A clinical diagnosis is based on a detailed clinical history of complaints namely:

  • Duration of the complaint
  • Type of fungal infections
  • Frequency of sexual intercourse
  • Consistency, colour and odour of the discharge
  • The time modality when it tends to increase
  • The contraceptive history.
  • Blood tests for HIV and syphilis.
  • Endocervical swab for a chlamydial nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) to diagnose chlamydia.


Foods to be taken

  • Healthy fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, cranberries, oranges, lemons, black plums, okra, leafy greens, onions, brown rice, yogurt, as well as healthy herbs and spices such as ginger, garlic, and coriander.
  • Increase intake of fruits, vegetables and salads.
  • Increase liquids in the diet, such as water, soup, milk and juice. These help to flush out the toxins.

Foods to be avoid:

  • Some of the foods that should be eliminated from healthy leucorrhoea recipes include eggs, meat, bread, mushrooms, sweets and any other food items that have been fermented.
  • Avoid heavy, oily, fried, spicy, and sour foods.
  • Tea, coffee, alcohol, aerated drinks, and non-vegetarian food should also be avoided.
  • Sugar must be avoided if there is profuse discharge.
  • Alcohol must be totally avoided.

Yoga and Exercise

  1. Do stress bursting exercises regularly. 
  2. Go on a walk or jog early morning. If the body is stress-free, its resistance to diseases is alleviated.
  3. Regular practice of Surya Namaskara, Bhujangasana, Makarasana is also beneficial.

Homoeopathic Treatment of Leucorrhoea

Homoeopathy offers best treatment without any side effects, commonly used medicines are Dr.Reckeweg's BC 13, Alumina, Calcarea carb, Graphites, Kreosotum, Lilium tig, Natrum mur, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Secale cor, Sepia, Sulphur and Trillium pen etc. which can be taken as per symptoms of individual patient.

Dr.Reckeweg's BC 13

Leucorrhoea discharge like white of eggs, acrid and watery. Indicated for general weakness of young girls with or without functional neuroses.

Dr.Reckeweg's Alumina

Leucorrhoea is acrid, profuse transparent, ropy with burning sensation. Flow is worse during daytime and after menses. Relieved by washing with cold water.

Dr.Reckeweg's Calcarea carbonica

Leucorrhoea is milky and thick. Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation. Leucorrhoea in little girls. There is increased sexual desire. Before menses leucorrhoea aggravates.

Dr.Reckeweg's Graphites

Leucorrhoea is pale, thin, profuse, white, excoriating, with great weakness in back. Leucorrhoea with constipation. There is decided aversion to coitus.

Dr.Reckeweg's Kreosotum

Leucorrhoea is yellow, acrid, odor of green corn. It worse between periods. Flow is corrosive itching within vulva, burning and swelling of labia. Burning and soreness in external and internal parts. Hemorrhage after coition. Lochia is very offensive.

Dr.Reckeweg's Lilium tigrinum

Leucorrhoea is acrid and brown. Leucorrhoea ceases when resting. There is smarting pain in labia. Bearing down sensation with urgent desire for stool, as though all organs would escape. Constant desire to support parts externally.

Dr.Reckeweg's Natrum muriaticum

Leucorrhoea is offensive, acrid and watery. Bearing-down pains which worse in morning. There is no desire to coitus due to dryness in vagina.

Dr.Reckeweg's Pulsatilla

Leucorrhoea is acrid, burning and creamy. Pain in back feel tired. Suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility or chlorosis. The patient seeks the open air and always feels better there.

Dr.Reckeweg's Sabina

Leucorrhoea after menses and discharge is corrosive and offensive. Discharge of blood between periods, with sexual excitement. Leucorrhoea with increased sexual desire. Pain radiates from the sacrum to the pubis, and it shoots up the vaginal canal from below.

Dr.Reckeweg's Secale cornutum

Brownish leucorrhoea with a strong odour. Menstruation is irregular, heavy, and dark, with a constant seeping of watery blood until the next period. Menstrual colic accompanied by coldness and heat intolerance. Intense burning pains in the uterus. Lochia is a dark and offensive.

Dr.Reckeweg's Sepia

Leucorrhoea is a yellow, greenish with a lot of itching. Menses are late and infrequent. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Vaginal painful, particularly during coition. Pelvic organs have become more relaxed. Bearing-down sensation, as if everything would escape through vulva; must cross limbs to avoid protrusion, or press against vulva.

Dr.Reckeweg's Sulphur

Leucorrhoea is burning and excoriating. Nipples cracked, smart and burn. Menses too late, short, scanty and difficult. Flow is thick, black, acrid making parts sore. Menses preceded by headache or suddenly stopped.

Dr.Reckeweg's Trillium pendulum

Leucorrhoea copious, yellow and stringy. metrorrhagia at climacteric. Lochia becomes sanguine all of a sudden. Uterine hemorrhages, with a sensation as if the hips and back were falling apart, requiring the use of more restrictive bandages. Gushing of bright blood on least movement. Prolapse with great bearing-down.

About the author - Dr. Sushil Kumar Vats (Senior Consultant)


  1. B.H.M.S.(1988-89) from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Delhi.
  2. M.D.(Homeopathy), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra.


  1. Member- Homeopathy Advisory Committee, Govt. of Delhi from 1999 to 2014.
  2. Member- Executive Committee, Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, a research body of Delhi Govt. since 1999 to 2017
  3. Special Invitee- Scientific Advisory Committee, Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, Govt. of Delhi, since 1999 to 2017
  4. Dr.Yudhveer Singh Award (1997) by the board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Govt. of Delhi.
  5. Examiner- Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, New Delhi.
  6. Honored by Pareek Foundation for Homoeopathic Research, Agra for �Outstanding Services rendered to Homoeopathic Journalism.