
Dengue Fever And It's Homoeopathic Treatment

Nov 17, 2021
Dengue Fever And It's Homoeopathic Treatment

Dengue: It is an acute infectious disease caused by a flavivirus (species Dengue virus of the genus Flavivirus), transmitted by aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by headache, severe joint pain, and a rash. Dengue is caused due to four viruses namely- DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. The virus enters a mosquito when it bites an already infected person. And illness is spread when it bites a healthy person, and the virus spreads through the person’s bloodstream.

Once a person recovers, he is immune to the specific virus and not the other three types. But the probability of developing severe dengue fever, also known as dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, increases if you are infected a second, third or fourth time.


  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle, bone or joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Swollen glands
  • Rash


  1. Mild Dengue Fever
  2. Dengue Hemorrhagic fever
  3. Dengue Shock Syndrome

Homoeopathic Remedies for Dengue Mild Fever:

Dr Reckeweg dilutions, mother tinctures and RNo’s provide good homeopathic management for the Dengue fever.

R-No’s R88, R1, R11, R26 are useful in the treatment and homoeopathic management of the Dengue fever cases.

The following homeopathic medicines are also used in the treatment of dengue fever cases.

  1. Dr.Reckeweg’s Belladona:

    There is high grade of fever. Belladonna always is associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, throbbing carotids, restless sleep, dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water. Belladonna acts upon every part of the nervous system, producing active congestion, furious excitement, perverted special senses and pain. Head pain of throbbing type which is relived by hard pressure or tight bandage. Heat, redness, throbbing and burning. There is anxiety or fear with high grade fever. Perspiration only on head. No thirst with fever.

  2. Dr.Reckeweg’s Bryonia Alba:

    Fever with body ache. Aching of every muscle; pain is stitching and tearing which is worse by motion and better by rest. Mucous membranes are all dry. The patient is irritable during fever. Vertigo from raising the headache. Dry lips and mouth with excessive thirst. Bitter taste during fever. Pains and swellings of joints. Pulse full, hard, tense, and quick. Dry cough with stitching pain in chest. Easy and profuse perspiration. 

  3. Dr.Reckeweg’s Eupatorium perf:

    Severe pain in bones with restlessness. Aching pain in back and bones of extremities with soreness of flesh. Aching in arms and wrists. Throbbing headache with pain in eyeballs. Perspiration relieves all symptoms except headache. Chill between 7 and 9 am, preceded by thirst with great soreness. Nausea, vomiting of bile at close of chill or hot stage. Swelling of left great toe.

  4. Dr.Reckeweg’s Ferrum phos:

    In the first stage of febrile conditions in all inflammatory fever and catarrahal conditions before exudation sets in.  Best suited to nervous and sensitive person. There is anemia with the false plethora and violent local congestions. Marked prostration during fever. Pulse soft and flowing with fever. Throbbing headache with vertigo relived by cold applications. 

  5. Dr.Reckeweg’s Gelsemium:

    Fever with great general prostration. Patient is so weak that he can not move few steps. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling with fever. Slow and soft pulse with low blood pressure with tired feeling. Muscular weakness there is lack of muscular co-ordination. Chilliness up and down back. Heat and sweat stages are long and exhausting. Violent headache. Thirstless during fever.

  6. Dr.Reckeweg’s Rhus tox:

    Fever with physical restlessness. Patient moves here and there and feels better for a time from a change of position. Rheumatic pains affect markedly joints, tendons, sheaths and aponeurosis. producing tearing pains and stiffness. Tongue dry, red, cracked and coated except red triangular space at the tip. Intermittent chill with dry cough and restlessness. Chilly, as if cold water were poured over him, followed by heat and inclination to stretch the limbs.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: Most people recover within a week or so. In some cases, symptoms worsen and can become life-threatening. This is called severe dengue or dengue hemorrhagic fever. In this condition platelets count going down at fast speed, resulting in to bleeding from various body outlets.


  • Severe stomach pain
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Bleeding from your gums or nose
  • Blood in your urine, stools or vomit
  • Bleeding under the skin, which might look like bruising
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability or restlessness

Homoeopathic remedies for this type are :

  1. Dr.Reckeweg’s Arsenic album:

    High temperature with Unquenchable thirst . Periodicity is marked for fever. Great exhaustion after the slightest exertion. Very irritable with weakness. Burning pains which relieved by external heat. All symptoms worse after midnight. Great restlessness mentally and physically. Bloody saliva unhealthy and easily-bleeding gums. Ulceration of mouth with dryness and burning heat. Metallic and bitter taste even water taste is also bitter. Vomiting of blood, bile, green mucus, or brown-black mixed with blood. Nausea, retching and vomiting after eating or drinking. Anxiety in pit of stomach. During urination there is burning and blood in urine. After urinating feeling of weakness in abdomen.

  2. Dr.Reckeweg’s Carica papaya :

    Fever with constipation. 

  3. Dr.Reckeweg’s Phosphorus:

    Phosphorus disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hemorrhages. Fever with chillness in every evening. Fever with small, quick pulse and profuse perspiration. Hemorrhage from nose handkerchief is always bloody. cough with bloody expectoration. 

  4. Dr.Reckeweg’s Vanadium:

    Its action is that of an oxygen carrier and a catalyzer. It increases amount of hemoglobin, also combines its oxygen with toxins and destroys their virulence. Also increases and stimulates phagocytes. Fever long and continued. Anorexia and symptoms of gastro intestinal irritation, albumen, casts and blood in urine. Cough dry, irritating and paroxysmal, sometimes with hemorrhages.

  5. Dr.Reckeweg’s Crotalus horridus

    General disorganization of the blood which results in hemorrhages of dark color that forms no clots. Blood oozes from every orifice of body like ears, nose, rectum, urethra, mouth etc. Vomiting of bloody, black, thin, offensive, like coffee-grounds. Cannot lie on right side. Intestinal hemorrhage blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable. Blood oozes from rectum which is dark. Bloody urine dark in color. Cough, with bloody expectoration. Fever with bloody sweat. Purpura hemorrhagica, hemorrhage from every part of body this results in bloody sweat. Septicemia with low septic state

  6. Dr.Reckeweg’s Ipecacuanha:

    Fever, slightest chill with much heat, persistent nausea, vomiting and breathlessness. Fever relapses after an improper diet

Dengue Shock Syndrome: Severe dengue happens when your blood vessels become damaged and leaky. And the number of clot-forming cells (platelets) in your bloodstream drops. This can lead to shock, internal bleeding, organ failure and even death.


Hemorrhagic tendencies, evidenced by at least one of the following

  • A positive tourniquet test
  • Petechiae, ecchymoses, or purpura
  • Bleeding from the mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, injection sites, or other locations
  • Hematemesis or melena.

Dengue shock syndrome is a life threatening condition requiring hospitalization, however in this condition also, some Homoeopathy medicines can be used with benefits.

  1. Dr.Reckeweg’s Arsenic album :

    Intermittent fever with marked exhaustion. Delirium worse after midnight. Great fear of death. Body is cold as ice relieved by heat. Marked prostration with intense agony, and burning thirst. Vomiting of blood, bile, green mucus, or brown-black mixed with blood. Blood in stool. 

  2. Dr.Reckeweg’s Carbo veg:

    Disintegration and imperfect oxidation is the keynote of this remedy. Blood seems to stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness, and ecchymosis. Body becomes blue, icy-cold. A lowered vital power from loss of fluids. The patient may be almost lifeless, but the head is hot and breath is cool. Pulse imperceptible oppressed and quickened respiration. Must be fanned hard, must have all the windows open. The patient faints easily is worn out and must have fresh air. Hemorrhage from any mucous surface. Very debilitated. Patient seems to be too weak to hold out. Septic condition of all its affections, coupled with a burning sensation

  3. Dr.Reckeweg’s Crotalus horridus:

    General disorganization of the blood which results in hemorrhages of dark color that forms no clots. Blood oozes from every orifice of body like ears, nose, rectum, urethra, mouth etc. Vomiting of bloody, black, thin, offensive, like coffee-grounds. Cannot lie on right side. Intestinal hemorrhage blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable. Blood oozes from rectum which is dark. Bloody urine dark in color. Cough, with bloody expectoration. Fever with bloody sweat. Purpura hemorrhagica, hemorrhage from every part of body this results in bloody sweat. Septicemia with low septic state.

  4. Dr.Reckeweg’s Veratrum album:

    A perfect picture of collapse with extreme coldness, blueness and weakness. Rapid and feeble pulse. Vomiting, purging and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is most characteristic. violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk.


  • Stay Hydrated: This is crucial as most of our bodily fluids are lost during vomiting and high fever. Continuous intake of fluids will make sure that the body does not easily dehydrate.
  • Hygiene: The patient can opt for a sponge bath if not a regular bath. Add a few drops of Dr.Reckeweg Calendulla Q to the water being used for bathing. It is also advisable to sanitize your hand with a hand sanitizer, before and after visiting a patient in the hospital. Also disinfect the water used to wash the patient’s clothes to get rid the clothes of the germs.


The followings are some of the action you can take to keep yourself safe from the Dengue virus

  • Lesser skin exposure: try wearing long pants, and shirts to cover your skin surfaces and reducing the chances of bites. Mosquitoes are highly active early in the morning or evening, so try avoiding venturing out in these times.
  • Mosquito Repellent: A repellent with at least 10 per cent concentration of diethyltoluamide [DEET]. You can apply the ointment daily to keep mosquitoes away.
  • Disinfect stagnant water: The Aedes mosquito breeds in clean and stagnant water. Keep water covered at all times and use a proper disinfectant if necessary. Turn over any vessel which can accumulate water and scrub the surfaces thoroughly so as to reduce the chances of developing a breeding ground for the mosquitoes.

About the author - Dr. Sushil Kumar Vats (Senior Consultant)


  1. B.H.M.S.(1988-89) from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Delhi.
  2. M.D.(Homeopathy), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra.


  1. Member- Homeopathy Advisory Committee, Govt. of Delhi from 1999 to 2014.
  2. Member- Executive Committee, Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, a research body of Delhi Govt. since 1999 to 2017
  3. Special Invitee- Scientific Advisory Committee, Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, Govt. of Delhi, since 1999 to 2017
  4. Dr.Yudhveer Singh Award (1997) by the board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Govt. of Delhi.
  5. Examiner- Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, New Delhi.
  6. Honored by Pareek Foundation for Homoeopathic Research, Agra for “Outstanding Services rendered to Homoeopathic Journalism.